Everyone Welcome
Cathedral of the Soul is an ancient concept that comes to us through the various Ageless Wisdom Traditions. This perception embodies the timeless truth that the Holy Spirit dwells inside our heart temples and that everything inside of creation is inherently sacred.
What We Offer
We gather to make our commitment to become free from suffering, help people with their spiritual growth and provide a safe and friendly space for nurturing holistic well-being.

We offer Buddhism 101 classes regularly, have an active Study Group

Every Sunday at 11:00 am EST, we conduct Buddhist Services

Come and learn to speak Japanese, watch a tea ceremony
Beginners’ Classes

Abbot & Monks
Several monks reside at Great Lotus. Their exact number depends on the current events or activities: Buddhist rites and Thai culture ceremonies. Occasionally, monks are invited to do the blessing outside of their temple - at private residences or businesses.
This Temple is self-supporting through your donations alone. Your contributions allow the Temple to continue its programs and outreach.