Do you know the prayer chain called Crown of Glory of Mary?

It is a chain to unite prayers and requests for thanksgiving to Our Lady. So many people praying strengthens the power of prayer.

The world needs your prayer for good to win over bad, for peace to win the war.


Maria is our intercessor, Benefatrix, and the divine Mediatrix, and she will, with the power of prayer, hear our prayers for a better world.

You can pray this prayer chain before or after your daily prayers. It’s long, so set aside a part of your day to


Start: Pray The Apostle’s Creed, Our Father, and Hail Mary

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for your Immaculate Conception!
Deliver us from all sin and keep our hearts for God.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for your perpetual Purity!
By your merits, keep our soul pure and chaste to receive Christ and Your Grace.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for your divine motherhood!
You are the Holy Mother of the Most High God.
Grant us the grace to be faithful children of the Lord.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, because you are the beloved daughter of God, “blessed among all women,” “full of grace”!
Give us always to be filled with the grace of God.
(Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory to the Father)
We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit who generated Christ in you!
Grant us the grace to be renewed by the Spirit. May the Lord bless us with His gifts and fruits.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for you crushed the devil under your feet and all heresies at all times.
Deliver us, Blessed Mother, from the seductions, temptations, and snares of the enemy.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for Christ’s submission to you, on earth and in heaven.
Grant us the grace of filial submission to God.

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin because you are the Mediatrix of all graces.
You are God’s chosen way to come to us.
You are also the way we must go to God.
Give us the grace of salvation.
(Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin because you are Mother of the Church and our Divine Mother.
The Christ delivered you to us at the foot of the cross, at the hour of death.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for your Ascension to heaven through the Holy Trinity: as Queen of heaven and earth.

We want to be perpetual servants of Christ (our Lord) through you.
(Pray the Hail Mary)

We bless you, Most Holy Virgin, for all your glories and merits, more numerous than the stars in heaven.

You are the mold of holiness, the mirror of justice, the seat of wisdom.
You are the cause of our joy, the spiritual vessel, the honorific vessel, the house of gold, the gate of heaven, the refuge of sinners, the consolation of the afflicted, the help of Christians.
Bestow upon you your motherly blessings!
(Pray Glory to Father and Hail Holy Queen)

Hail Mary, Daughter of God the Father.
Hail Mary, Mother of God the Son.
Hail Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Ave, Maria, Temple of the Holy Trinity.
Hail Mary, my Lady, my darling, my love.

Queen of my heart, Mother, life, sweetness, and hope, dear one, my heart, and soul.

I’m all yours, and everything I own is yours, oh!
Blessed Virgin above all.
Abide therefore in my soul to magnify the Lord; let your Spirit be in me, to rejoice in God.

Place yourselves, oh! Divine Mother, faithfully as a seal over my heart, that I may be found dedicated to God in you and through you.

Grant, oh! Mother of mercy, may I find myself in the number of those you love, teach, guide, support and protect as your own children.

For your love, I despise all the consolations of the earth and aspire only to the heavenly ones.

For the glory of the Father, may Jesus Christ, your Son, be formed in me by the Holy Spirit, your most faithful Spouse, and by you, His most faithful bride. So be it.

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