What are Interfaith and Interspiritual Ministries? The Cathedral of the Soul (COS) Interfaith & Interspiritual religious outreach ordains clerics to serve the spiritual needs of our Spiritually, Socially, and Ethnically Diverse World. There is only…

Interfaith Ministry is the way to aggregate, unite, bring together, reconnect, rescue, and cultivate the union of people of different Religions, Beliefs, and Ideologies.
Interfaith Ministries outreaches are committed to co-existence: Peacemaking, Love, and Solidarity encounter.
The Interfaith Ceremonies profess the Universal Faith. The praxis is of welcoming all Religions and Beliefs of an authentic Faith within each Human Being, accepting the other without judgment and prejudice.
Interfaith and Interspiritual ceremonies are generally held in neutral places amidst nature, not using temples of any religion.
What are Interfaith and Interspiritual Ministries? The Cathedral of the Soul (COS) Interfaith & Interspiritual religious outreach ordains clerics to serve the spiritual needs of our Spiritually, Socially, and Ethnically Diverse World. There is only…
The Fourteen Works of Mercy What are the Fourteen Works of Mercy? Works of mercy are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily and spiritual needs. To instruct, advise, console, and…
Holy Oil, the Sacraments, and Liturgy What are the “Holy Oils”? What is their use? The Holy oil is one of the many symbols of Christianity. One of the earliest references to this symbolism in…
The Novenas What are Novenas? A Novena is an ancient tradition of devotional praying in Christianity. As a spiritual practice, it is performed continuously and repeated for nine successive days or weeks. The practice may…