Stella Maris: Mary the Star of the Sea Devotion to Mary as Star of the Sea has special meaning to those of the Carmelite Order. The first Carmelite Monastery founded in the 12th century on…

Stella Maris: Mary the Star of the Sea Devotion to Mary as Star of the Sea has special meaning to those of the Carmelite Order. The first Carmelite Monastery founded in the 12th century on…
Rosary of Our Lady Stella Maris Pray the rosary as usual to which has been affixed a Stella Maris medal; concluding on the medal of Our Lady Stella Maris with the Ave Stella Maris. Ave…
Ave Regina Caelorum Marian Antiphon for the Time After the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord through Lent and on Fridays throughout the year The antiphon, Ave Regina Caelorum, is sung as the concluding…
The Promises of the Seven Sorrows Written by Mark Miravalle So much does the Crucified Lord desire humanity to ponder, along with His own saving Redemption, the co redemption of his Mother, that He has…
Hail Holy Queen The Hail, Holy Queen (known as the “Salve Regina” in the original Latin) is one of the most well-known and favorite prayers about Mary. Salve Regina is a prayer of petition, asking…
The Magnificat My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (English): My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the humility of His handmaiden. For behold,…
CHAIN OF PRAYERS: THE CROWN OF GLORY OF THE VIRGIN MARY Do you know the prayer chain called Crown of Glory of Mary? It is a chain to unite prayers and requests for thanksgiving to…
The Origins of the Mystical & Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary is one of many religious practices of Marian devotion very widespread among Roman Catholics, who pray both publicly and individually. It consists of the…
Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed her restorative devotion to her Immaculate Heart from her second apparition in Fátima, Portugal, on June 13, 1917. Then it became…
LITANY OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL There are many Litanies that site the wonders of the Blessed mother Mary. There are also many Litanies specifically created to petition the help of Our Lady of…