Saint Martin de Porres Animal Prayers

Novena to Saint Martin de Porres

Saint Martin de Porres, your concern and charity embraced not only your needy brethren but also the animals of the field.

You are a splendid example of charity; we thank and praise you. From above, hear the requests of your needy brethren.

(Mention your request here).

By modeling our lives after yours and imitating your virtues, may we live content knowing that God has looked favorably upon us.
Because this is so, we can accept our burdens with strength and courage to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and the Blessed Mother. So may we reach the Kingdom of Heaven through the intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

General Invocations:

St. Francis of Assisi, Pray for Us.
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Pray for Us.
St. Martin de Porres, Pray for Us.
All You Saints Who Love the LORD
and His Poor Creatures Here on Earth,
Pray for Us!

A Novena is a prayer that is repeated during nine consecutive days

Prayer to San Martín de Porres for Animals (1)

Blessed are you, Almighty God, creator of all living beings.

On the fifth and sixth days of creation, You created fish in the seas, birds in the6 air, and animals on earth.

You inspired San Martín de Porres to consider all animals as his brothers and sisters. Therefore, we ask you to bless this animal.

By the power of Your love, allow [the animal] to live according to Your desire.

Always praised for all the beauty of Your creation. Blessed are you, Almighty God, in all Your creatures!


Prayer to San Martín de Porres for Animals (2)

Gentle St Martin de Porres, you loved the animals God gives us in the wonders of creation.
Watch over the animals Our Loving Father has provided for our use and welfare. Intercede that all disease and harm may be averted since so much of our livelihood and joy depends on them.

Help us never to be cruel to them or neglectful of them.

May we always, following your example, attend our daily tasks with gratitude and with an ever-growing love for God and for one another.

And may we know the joy of animals and pets kept safe by your powerful intercession.
We make this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord.

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Saint Martin de Porres: Patron Saint of Animal Shelters

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