Saints Cosmas and Damian: The Healers without Borders Saints Cosmas and Damian were twins who practiced the healing arts throughout Asia Minor according to the Scriptural commandment: “Freely have ye received, freely in turn give.”…

Saints Cosmas and Damian: The Healers without Borders Saints Cosmas and Damian were twins who practiced the healing arts throughout Asia Minor according to the Scriptural commandment: “Freely have ye received, freely in turn give.”…
, Saint Modesto has been known for years as the Orthodox Christian patron saint of animals. During his life, he was known both for his piety and for his respect for animals. His most famous animal prayer includes a request for the creator’s protection of the animals we love from all illness and injury.
He is the first recorded saint known to be funded various animal shelters. To Saint Martin de Porres all creatures in creation were equally loved and he inaugurated the first shelters for stray cats and dogs.
Saint Martin de Porres Animal Prayers Novena to Saint Martin de Porres Saint Martin de Porres, your concern and charity embraced not only your needy brethren but also the animals of the field. You are…
Saint Neot: Patron Saint of Fish Saint Neot was a four-foot-tall monk from Glastonbury, England, who died in 877. His Feast Day is celebrated on July 31. Contemporary records of St. Neot’s life are limited,…
Saint Neot and His Animal Miracles Contemporary records of Saint Neot’s life are limited, and in many cases vague and self-ambiguous. There are some surviving manuscripts that purport to describe his life, and writers in…
Saint Francis and the Animals Stories Considered the patron saint of animals, St. Francis of Assisi had as its life theme the love of nature, developed in all its forms. For him, all animals deserved…
Discover the Saints that are Protectors of Animals By Ministry Earth t is absolutely natural (albeit regretful) that our pets experience problems throughout their lives. Of course, the presence of a veterinarian is essential, but…
Saint Hilarion, the Great Today, October 21rst, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Hilarion. Saint Hilarion, the Great was one of the fathers of the desert and an anchorite. It is known that he…
Saint Bernard of Menthon and his Wonder Dogs Saint Bernard of Montjoux (Italian: San Bernardo di Mentone) or Bernard of Menthon was probably born in Italy. He became a priest, and then he was made…